What am I bringing with me?

Image by pikisuperstar on Freepik

When we arrive at our destination,

wherever that may be;

our workplace, our home, the local shop or park,

a friend’s house, a church gathering or a party,

we bring something of ourselves.


Sometimes we also bring a physical gift;

some flowers or chocolates,

a bottle of wine,

a homemade cake,

or a side dish to accompany the meal

we are about to share.


We can also bring the gift of self.

The gift of being present with another.

Through the words we speak,

and through the care and attention we show,

we can be a gift to another.


But we may not always be the

gift we would want to be.


Our ability to be present to another

can be hampered by things we are carrying.

Some of this will be the stuff of the day;

a mistake or a mishap,

a failing, or a shortcoming,

a misunderstanding or an unkind word.


Some of what we carry

runs deeper,

baggage we have been carrying for a while

that has started to weigh us down.


At the start of this Advent I invite you to notice;

notice what you are bringing with you.

As you go into a new situation

is there anything you are bringing

that you need to leave behind?


And when you have entrusted

what you have been carrying

with your heavenly Father

ask if there is anything He would like you to bring?


How would He like you to bring his good news

with those you will be with in your day?


We will explore this more 

as we journey through Advent together.