Parson Cross Community

We are a bunch of people from a mix of age ranges and life stages who live in Parson Cross and Ecclesfield. We love the communities that we live in and are learning what it is to love Jesus and share his love with others as part of everyday life.

Our community is a bit like an extended family, with little ones from one years old through to people in their mid fifties. We pop in and out of each other’s lives as well as having specific times when we all get together to share about what God is teaching us, to encourage each other and to have fun. There’s usually some good food involved when we get together and we like to host a fun party whether it’s for bonfire night or an Easter Egg hunt. We’re learning what it is like for us to live a missional lifestyle, where Jesus is a part of what we do in everyday life.

We meet all together in different ways throughout the month:

  • Every second Sunday of the month, we meet together to share food, stories, pray and learn what it is to be a family who shares life, follows Jesus and loves others well.
  • Every fourth Sunday of the month, we meet to pray, worship and share stories together.
  • We pray together over breakfast on zoom every Tuesday morning at 7am.
  • A bunch of people from churches across Parson Cross get together to prayer walk in the local area at 8.15am every Friday.

Contact us via the Parson Cross Community Facebook page or email Jonny and Jo, Community Family Workers.

Parson Cross

Come and join us

S5 Dads

S5 Dads is a group for 0-6 year old children and their dads, grandads or male carers. Bacon sandwiches, hot drinks, kids snacks and drinks provided. £2 per family.

Contact Jonny for more details, or visit our Facebook page for the latest updates.

Kids Matter Parenting Programme

Parenting is wonderful but it’s also hard and we know that sharing our stories and experiences can help. Kids Matter is a free, friendly group for anyone with children aged 0–10 years. We get together around tea, coffee and cake to talk about how to build strong families and help our kids to do their best in life.

Every session also has a free creche. We run for six week blocks, so get in touch with Jo if you’re interested in coming along and she’ll be able to let you know when the next one is happening. The day and venue may change for different programmes.

Monteney Primary School Uniform Swap Shop

We have partnered with Monteney Primary School to run a School Uniform Swap Shop. All year round you can pick up good quality second hand uniform, coats and shoes for your children helping to save the planet by reusing good quality clothing and also helping to save some pennies in the cost of living crisis we’re in. You can pick up uniform anytime by emailing Jo, getting in touch with Monteney directly or look out for the dates of our open mornings/afternoons which are shared each term on Class Dojo.

Ecumenical Prayer Walk

Various churches in and around Parson Cross join together every Friday to walk the local streets, praying as we go. We meet at one of a number of cafes, walk a circular route for around 45 minutes, and then and up back at the cafe for a breakfast buttie!

Anyone is very welcome to join us on our prayer walks, particularly if you already live locally. For more info contact Ben or you can see where our previous prayer walks have taken us on our Facebook page.

Parson Cross community diary

Current Month

Get in touch

Jo Edwards

Community families worker in Parson Cross

Jonny Edwards

Community families worker in Parson cross