Sarah Ducker
Acting leader
Safeguarding Lead
Sarah Ducker is Acting Leader at St Philip’s. She is an ordained Baptist minister.
Sarah loves being a mum of three daughters. In her spare time she enjoys reading, gardening, sewing, crocheting, swimming and baking. She is married to Dave.

Rowan Holt
Youth work enabler
Rowan Holt comes alongside our youth to empower them in their journey with Christ and the world!
Rowan is married to Pete and has a passion for making clothes and gardening. She is mum to four lovely children.

Jen Mickelborough
Administrator & Children's Work Enabler
Jen Mickelborough organises our children’s groups on a Sunday and works closely with the Youth Work Enabler. She also helps with day to day church administration.
Jen is married with two young children. She loves art and encouraging others in their creativity. Jen also enjoys nature with lots of walks and growing veg at her shared allotment.

We're hiring!
Would you like to join the team as our Administrator?
Follow the link below to find out more:
Contact admin@stphilipssheffield.org if you would like to apply.

We're looking for an apprentice!
Kickstarter Apprenticeship: Digital & Social Media Assistant
This post is only open to those that have been referred by the DWP. If you have been referred please download the application pack and complete the application form as instructed.