Bringers of Good News

“Behold, I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all people.”

Luke 2 verse 10

I was struck by these words spoken by the angel to the shepherds in the Christmas story. The phrase caught my attention because at St Philip’s this year we have been thinking about what it means to be a ‘Gospel People’ or a ‘good news people’.

The phrase ‘bring good news’ is ACTIVE – the angel came to the shepherds. And later in the story the shepherds go and tell others the good news they have seen and heard. We too are called to be bringers of good news.

The media is so full of bad news at the moment, that it feels particularly important to be able to share good news with others.

And so, I was wondering if there was a way to help us think about how we might be bringers of good news this Advent.

Traditionally, each week in Advent is marked by a different theme. These themes are hope, peace, joy and love. As St Philip’s we are going to focus on one of these themes each week to help us to be a people who bring good news. We will ask God:

How might I speak of the Hope I have in You?

How might I bring Peace as I go about my day?

How can I share the True Joy of this season with others?

How can I show your Love to those who don’t know You?

Look out for more blog posts this Advent to help us think about how we can be ‘Bringers of Good News’.

Written by Sarah Ducker